Chukwudumebi Isichei
Chukwudumebi Isichei is a Legal Practitioner, called to the Nigerian Bar in 2019. She has over three years of professional experience, in various reputable organisations including, KPMG as a Tax Associate, Sahel Consulting, as a Business/Research Analyst and Sinbol Consulting, as a legal and business development associate. During these years she acquired a wide range of skills and contributed immensely towards the progress of her departments in these organisations.
She is an Alumni of Babcock University, which she acquired her LLB from in 2018 and proceeded to the Nigerian Law School (Lagos Campus) to finalise her legal degree. She is also acquired a range of professional certifications along the way which are inclusive of a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK) and a prospective member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria.